World Academy of Art and Science

The president of AECEF, prof. Nikolaos Theodosiou was elected as a fellow of the prestigious “World Academy of Art and Science” (WAAS). The World Academy of Art and Science was founded by eminent intellectuals including Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer, Bertrand Russell, Joseph Needham, Lord Boyd Orr, and many others. The Academy serves as a forum …

Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition

The Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET) had a great discussion with the UN Secretary-General António Guterres alongside the UN High Level Political Forum on Tuesday July 11th. The Council is a global, high-level body of engineers and #energy systems experts to contribute to the UN Secretary-General’s goal to build a coalition to achieve #netzero emissions by 2050, and to …

AECEF 30 Years

AECEF 30 Years 11May23 Czech Technical University