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Statues in full text

with the participation of civil engineering faculties from non-European countries (AECEF)


(The Statutes adopted and ratified by the 7th AECEF General Assembly, London, September 13, 2012)

(The amendments to the articles 14 and 18 of the Statutes adopted and ratified by the 8th AECEF General Assembly, Porto, November 5, 2015)

(The amendments to the articles
21 and 24 of the Statutes adopted and ratified by the correspondence voting deadline of 31 May 2019)

At the end of the 20thcentury,in the wake of major political changes taking place across Eastern and Central Europe, the atmosphere was imbued with ideas of integration and pan-Europeanism. Bearing in mind that civil and architectural engineering has always been an integrating force in European culture, provident academics in the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czechoslovakia, with the aim to contribute to a solid cultural and spiritual foundation of a future Europe, took steps to facilitate the forming an association within the world of Civil Engineering Education.As a result of this initiative 13 European and 1 Canadian organisation (see Annex 1) congregatedand on September 14-15, 1992 founded the ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTIES with the participation of civil engineering faculties from non-European countries (AECEF).


#1. The name of the association is “ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTIES withtheparticipationofcivilengineeringfacultiesfromnon-EuropeanCountries”withtheacronym AECEF.AECEF is a free association of Civil Engineering educational organisations and their staffs, research institutes, engineering companies, and other -public as well as private -organisations or individuals involved in civil engineering. It may also include leading specialists and institutions involved in related areas,andprofessionalbodiesrepresentingtheinterestsofCivilEngineering.AECEFhasbeen established as a non-governmental, apolitical and non-profit making organisation.

#2. AECEF is first and foremost based on co-operation among European countries. However, the participation of non-European countries is equally welcomed.


#3. The aims of AECEF are:

A: To enhance conditionsfor close co-operation among Civil Engineering faculties, their research workers and teachers, among civil engineering specialists andinstitutions from different countries. Special importance is attached to involving all European countries in this cooperation, and to the establishment and maintenance of an inter-European network of colleagues within civil engineering.

B: To contribute to dissemination and application of the latest civil engineering research and teaching methodology.

C: To support the Europe-wide development and spread of new technologies relevant to the field of activity of AECEF.

D: To work toward compatibility among Civil Engineering educational organisations in order to facilitate and ease the exchange of students and the mutual acceptance of graduates in civil engineering practice in Europe.

E: To work toward the implementation of study and lecture visits to foreign universities by students, educators and researchers.
F: To cooperate and support links with other regional/national Civil Engineering associations having similar objectives.

A major tool for pursuing the above mentioned goals shall be the arrangement of International AECEF Symposia. These should take place every second and at least every third year.


#4. The structure of the Association consists of:

A: The General Assembly

B: The Board

C: The President

D: Secretariat directed by the Secretary-General

E: Standing as well as ad hoc committees set up at the discretion of the General Assembly, the Board or the President.


#5. The General Assembly is the highest body of the Association. Through its mediation, members of the Association exercise their right to participate in the Association's activities, make decisions concerning its activities and make comments.

#6. The General Assembly is convened by the President at the time and venue of every International AECEF Symposium and at least at every 3 years.

A General Assembly must be held whenever one third of or more members require it in writing to theSecretary-General.

#7. The announcement of the General Assembly must be made in writing to all members of the Association at least three months prior to the meeting.

#8. The session of the General Assembly is presided over by the President or by a member of the Board appointed by the President.

#9. The General Assembly has a quorum if representatives of at least one half of the members of the Association are present. Decisions are passed on a simple majority vote. In the case that a quorum has not been reached, the session of the General Assembly will proceed with the members present and votes and motions will be carried by a three quarters majority of members present.

Member organisations have one vote each. Individual members have one vote each.
Voting is usually done by “show of hands”. However, if any voting member requires it, secret voting shallbe arranged.

In situations where the Board must take action to make decisions between General Assemblies the Board is empowered to have possible proposals ratified by a mail(or e-mail)vote of member organisations.

#10. The General Assembly has the following rights:

A: Approval of Association Statutes and possible amendments to them

B: Decisions on the Association's activities.

C: Discussion of, and if decided on, overturning decisions - resting on these statutes -made by the Board or by the President in the period between General Assemblies.

D: Election, or possible dismissal, of the President and Board members in accordance with the established rules.

E: Establishment of Standing or ad hoc committees.

Serious matters which require the approval by all AECEF members arising in the time between the General Assembly proceedings must be passed on to the Associationmembers through the Secretary-General for their opinion or potentially for a correspondence vote.


#11. The Board is the executive organ of the Association. Board members are elected for a period of nominally four years. Since elections only will be arranged in conjunction with General Assemblies, the period can vary from minimum four years to maximum six years.

#12. Board membership is personal (i.e.Board members need not represent any organisation and can choose to act as individual members).

#13. Applicants for Board membership must be ratified by the Board before being presented for the General Assembly ascandidates. Existing memberscan only be denied ratification in case of considerable absence or if the Board decides that the member has showed counterproductive activity. New applicants must have the support of minimum three quarters of board members. The Secretary-Generalis responsible for arranging the ratification process in due time before General Assemblies.

#14. The Secretary-General is a voting member of the Board. Rules for his or her period of office are the same as for Board members in general, i.e. § 11. Rules for his or her ratification are the same as for Board members in general, i.e. § 13. In order to establish or ensure a close cooperation between Presidency and Secretariatthe President has a priority to nominate a candidate for Secretary-General.

In justified cases, AECEF members’ voting by correspondence may be used to resolve a specific issue. Correspondence by post to members should be by registered mail with receipt or by e-mail with a receipt. Unless the Secretary-General receives a written opinion in response to the asked question within 30 days after reception by each member, this is considered a positive vote in favour of the given issue.

The Secretary-General is responsible for directing the activities of the AECEF Secretariat.
The Secretary–General presents the annual financial report of the AECEF business management to the Board. If no specific treasurer is appointed the Secretary-General will function as such.

#15. Board activities and duties:

1. The Board carries out the decisions of General Assembly sessions and co-ordinates the activities of working committees.

2. The Board discusses and approves the annual financial report on the AECEF business management submitted by the Secretary-General.

3. The Board is responsible for the thematic and organisational management of international AECEF symposia, conferences and similar gatherings held under the AECEF umbrella.

4. The Board will analyse applications for membership of the Association and decideon acceptance.

5. The Board ratifies new Board members.


#16. The President is the authorised signatory for the Association and directs all activities of the Association in periods between General Assembly sessions. The President represents the Association in all negotiations, or appoints Board members to perform these activities.

#17. The President of the Association is elected for a period of nominally four years. Since elections only will be arranged in conjunction with GeneralAssemblies, the period can vary from minimum four years to maximum six years.

#18. Applicants for Presidency must be nominated by at least 3 Board members before being presented for the General Assembly as candidates.

The Secretary-General is responsible for arranging the nomination process in due time before General Assemblies.

The President is elected by the General assembly by simple majority, and in the case of there being only one candidate, by a majority of affirmative votes.Should an agreement not be found, the General Assembly can decide to arrange a short adjournment in discussions to be followed by a re-election. Should an agreement still not be found, the President in office will continue as administrative president for a period of no more than one year. In this period the Board will arrange a renewed election conducted by post/e-mail.

In justified cases, AECEF members’ voting by correspondence may be used to resolve a specific issue. Correspondence by post to members should be by registeredmail with receipt or by e-mail with a receipt. Unless the Secretary-General receives a written opinion inresponse to the asked question within 30 days after reception by each member, this is considered a positive vote in favour of the given issue.”

#19. In justified cases (e.g. exceptional workload, preparation of a demanding event within AECEF, illness, etc.), the President may appoint a Vice-President from among the Boards members for a definite time.
During the time of authorisation, the Vice-President acts on behalf of the President to the full extent of duties being endowed with competencies specified in section 16.

#20. In justified cases, the President may grant a Board member an extra financial contribution from AECEF funds to cover up to 60% of travel costs for the participation in an AECEF Board Meeting.


#21. Based on the nomination by at least three Board members and subsequent approval by the majority of the Board members, following the expiry of his/her term of office, the President may be appointed an “Honorary President of AECEF“ for life for his/her contribution to the AECEF development.

#22. Based on the nomination by at least two Board members and subsequent approval by the majority of the Board, any member, corporate or individual, and Secretary-General may be appointed “Honorary Board Member” or “Honorary Member” respectively, for life for his/her contribution to the AECEF development. Honorary Members can -regardless of affiliation -choose to continue as individual members.

#23. Honorary Members need not pay membership fee. Honorary Members can participate in AECEF events without paying registration fee.


#24. The Association has its headquarters (Office and Secretariat) at the University of Porto -Department of Civil Engineering (Universidade do Porto -Departamento de Engenharia Civil).

#25. Forpractical reasons, the Association headquarters shall be based at the home institution of the General-Secretary, who preferably shall be from the same institution as the President. Where a re-location of headquarters is necessary, the General Assembly, in accordance with § 10 A of these statutes, shall amend § 24 above.


#26. Membership of the Association may be either corporate or individual.Admission of new members is on the basis of a written application.

#27. Founder-members of the Association are the organisations which applied for membership prior to themeeting of Association’s Preparatory Committee held in Prague, September 14-15, 1992.
#28. Membership of the Association is terminated either on the basis of a written announcement of termination of membership from the member,on closure of the member organisation, or through continual lapses of membership fee payment.


#29. Members of the Association have the right to:

1. take part in General Assembly sessions,

2. elect the officers of the Association,

3. be elected for positions of the officers of the Association,

4. be elected or appointed members of working committees, and

5. be informed about Association activities.Member organisations are obliged to appoint at least one or a number of persons of their own choice to be contact person(s) in the Association’s directory of members. However, the organisation’s choice of representatives is not limited to appointed contact persons.


#30. The finances of the Association shall be managed by the Treasurer (or Secretary-General § 14) subject to the control of the Board and under the general direction of the General Assembly. The accounts of the Association shall be audited annually by two members of the Association, not being Board members. The auditors shall be elected for a term at the meeting of the General Assembly.

#31. The Association is a non-profit making organisation. The members of the Association shall have no personal claim of the property of the Association.No part of Association property shall be paid or transferred to any member orpast-member of the Association, except for payment / remuneration in return for services rendered to the Association under contract, or reimbursement for expenses properly incurred.

#32. Expenses other than consumables (e.g. stationery, postage) and fees (e.g. taxes) connected with the activities of the Association Secretariat is covered by the organisation/institution to which the Secretariat is affiliated until such time as alterative sources of funding are established.

#33. The Secretary-General’s expenses in connection with meetings and events could be covered from theAssociation funds in special cases.

#34. ParticipationinspecialAssociationevents(conferences,symposia,etc.) is covered by the organising/host institution, from fees paid by participants and/or from the organising institution's own means.

#35. The Association may obtain funds from voluntary contributions from various organisations or members, firms or personal donations, from its own activities or from other sources.


#36. The Association may be dissolved on a decision of the General Assembly supported by 2/3 of the votes cast. In such an event, the General Assembly will make decisions about property and financial settlements.

#37. The Association may enter into agreement for the purpose of amalgamating with other kindred bodies or may enter into voluntary dissolution of the Association. Upon dissolution of the Association or the winding up of its affairs, assets of the Association shall be distributed exclusively to scientific, educational or charitable purposes.


Founder-members of the Association of European Civil Engineering Faculties with the participation of civil engineering faculties from non-European countries:

Faculty ofThe Built Environment, South Bank University, London, United Kingdom

Technical University of Wroclaw, PolandTechnical University of Budapest, Hungary

School of Engineering, University of Wales Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada

Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia

The Engineering College of Odense, Denmark

Chalmers University of Technology, School of Civil Engineering, Göteborg, Sweden

University of Zagreb, Croatia

Czech Technical University,Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prague, Czechoslovakia

Technical University Košice, Czechoslovakia

Kiev Civil Engineering Institute, Ukraine

Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris, France

Civil Engineering Faculty, Lviv Polytechnical Institute, Ukraine

University of Southampton, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, United Kingdom

University of Transport and Communications, Žilina, Czechoslovakia

Vilniaus Technikos Universitetas, Lithuania

City University, London, United Kingdom Catholic

University of Louvain, Belgium